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Graduation brought the end of an era in my life. Now it is time to take what I've learned the tools of education and go forth into the real world and face life as the man I know I can. Funny thing is with all the books and facts of  life learned, the education is just beginning now I find that there is always someone there with something I can learn if I just apply myself and take the initiative to ask and learn from these wise old people.

David Armstrong 



This is a day I was never so glad to see. My son graduating from Sr. High School Tears were brought to the eyes of his entire family, David I'm so proud of you keep your eyes focused and your head held high. 

Love, Mom       

As man and wife one of the biggest thrills of marriage is the birth of your children. The first words cooed by your young baby, crawling ,then walking. All of a sudden your taking your child off to school the first day of kindergarten  brings tears to your eyes as the kids are beginning to grow up on you now. I've played Santa Clause helped coach  football, baseball, taken my kids to work with me taught them the responsibility of being a young adult. We've  done science and history projects together and passed alright! This is one of the biggest days in our lives parents and child alike is the Sr. High School Graduation. Our son who we cradled during sickness and health has  now grown into a fine young man we have surly not shed our last tear but tears of happiness are tears of memories not to be lost but to be shared.  

Love and Good Luck in your future,



Brothers Billy And Chris Look on as Mom hugs David 

I think its so wonderful that David graduated I knew he could do it at first he was a little weary but it just took a lot to make him realize that  it was all worth it no matter how many times he wanted to give up and we are all very proud of him good luck Dave lots of love.


 Jessie Is David's Sister-in-law,





Ms. Donna Davis  Friend/Teacher 

One of the proudest days of my life was watching David walk across the stage at his high school graduation, because I know what a personal triumph it was for both of us. When I first met David as a freshman, I thought he was one of those obnoxious tough guys all teachers dread to have in class. After working with him for four years, I got to know how wonderful and sensitive he is as a person...and that beautiful smile! It was not easy for David to persevere through the trials life has demanded of him, but he did it! And I couldn't be prouder if he were my own son! "Sweet D"

Thanks, Denny, for a chance to let everyone know how proud I am of "our" boy!




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